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Recruiting great employees for your business!


Hiring can be difficult between advertising, interviewing, compliance, turnover, etc. We can craft a job description and have your position on Indeed, Glassdoor, Google Jobs, WayUp, JobRapido, ZipRecruiter and more! We will screen and present candidates based on your business needs. You only pay us when the position is filled!

Experience in multiple fields!


Head Recruiter and owner Michael Velez has nearly 20 years experience recruiting for retail, sales, professional and government roles. Talk to us about your business and what you are looking for and we will do our best to find the perfect fit. You owe nothing until the role is filled!

Need to talk to us?

Connect with us in multiple ways!

Need help with home or business alarms, cameras or automations? Visit https://www.simplysmarterhome.com